Saturday, February 2, 2019

I Have Found It!!

Continuing my seemingly endless flights in and around California.

Blue Canyon-Nyack Emigrant Gap CA to Eureka CA KEKA.

I got out of town just in time. It snowed lightly over night and I had to wait for the runway to thaw and dry somewhat. Heading for the coast now.

I'm at 9K feet to get over the mountains and then I'll need to descend to sea level for landing.
Nice lake and earth fill dam down there.

Nice scenery over the mountains though.

Here we are. Even the mud flats can be scenic at times.

Turning onto final.

Legend has it that a few thousand years ago in Greece a naked man (it's OK, he'd been in the bath) ran through the streets yelling to all and sundry "Eureka! Eureka!" In other words "I have found it! I have found it!" The man (Archimedes) had discovered a method to determine whether gold had been diluted with baser material and thereby reduce it's value.

Today I managed to find Eureka California. Eureka!

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